We tend to believe that happiness can be obtained if you have a lot of material, foreign holidays, luxury homes etc. The objects can indeed make someone happy, but true happiness comes from within you.
Materials and objects can be lost, but as long as you can do these 4 things, happiness will remain there forever.
Do Silly Things
Do not be afraid to do silly things with friends, brother or sister, even with your partner. If embarrassed doing this silly things in public places, do inside the house. Do not be too makes life into something serious, occasionally allowed to do silly things like make a broom as a microphone while being swept house, or a photo with a funny face. As long as do not endanger yourself, do it so that the mind is more relaxed.
Life is not always serious, there are many things that can make you laugh. So do not be surprised if the couple is married to people who can make her laugh, their marriage is much more durable and happier than couples who are equally serious. So let yourself start to laugh, there are plenty of funny movies that can lure you laugh to tears.
What is Required to Build Your List to Thankful Today
Most people remember the bad things that happen; forget the things that should have been grateful. People often complain jam when as driving car, forget to be grateful that he already had a comfortable car, while others have to squeeze riding public transit. Many people complain about not having money, forgetting that they still breathe and favors that exceed as much as any material that is owned. Then make a list of what things you should be grateful for each day.
Love Yourself
How else can love you if you do not love yourself? By accepting all the flaws, mistakes that have been made aware of, and proud of whatever your body shape, then you will receive a totality without much complaining. When you love yourself, that’s when you will feel happy, no matter what others say about you.
Happiness is not something you get in life, happiness is something that you bring to life. – Wayne Dye